Группа радиокнопок, хорошо подойдет для выбора из небольшого списка (до пяти вариантов). A group of radio buttons, well suited for selecting from a small list (up to five options).
Import Permalink to "Import"
import ProximaRadioGroup from 'proxima-vue/checkbox/radiogroup';
Playground Permalink to "Playground"
import { ref } from 'vue';
import ProximaRadioGroup from 'proxima-vue/checkbox/radiogroup';
const value = ref('');
const options = ['Annually', 'Quarterly', 'Monthly', 'Weekly', 'Daily'];
label="Send notifications"
Options Permalink to "Options"
В компонент можно передать простой массив строк или чисел: You can simply pass an array of strings or numbers:
const simpleOptions = ['one', 'two', 'three']; // or [1, 2, 3]
Или массив объектов, где можно указать атрибуты поля, лейбл, заблокировать определенный вариант: Or an array of objects where you can specify field attributes, a label, or disable a certain option:
const complexOptions = [
{ label: 'one', value: '1' },
{ label: 'two', value: '2' },
{ label: 'three', value: '3', disabled: true },
const fullOptionExample = {
value: 1,
label: 'one',
labelVisuallyHidden: true,
inputAttrs: { 'data-id': 'value' },
describedby: 'my-description',
disabled: true,
interface ProximaRadioOption {
value: any
label?: string
labelVisuallyHidden?: boolean
inputAttrs?: ProximaDynamicAttrs
describedby?: string
disabled?: boolean
theme?: string
Multiple Permalink to "Multiple"
value: []
import { ref } from 'vue';
import ProximaRadioGroup from 'proxima-vue/checkbox/radiogroup';
const value = ref([]);
:options="['Pear', 'Apple', 'Orange']"
Skeleton Permalink to "Skeleton"
Режим плейсхолдера во время загрузки Placeholder mode on loading
Атрибут data‑ghost требует The attribute data‑ghost requires ghost.css
<div data-ghost="true" inert>
label="Select item"
:options="['one', 'two', 'three']"
Accessibility Permalink to "Accessibility"
Компонент использует radio
и checkbox
поля, они скрыты визуально, но доступны для скринридеров, для описания всей группы используется label
, его также можно визуально скрыть: The component uses radio
and checkbox
inputs, they are hidden visually, but are accessible to screen readers, a label
is used to describe the entire group, it can also be visually hidden:
Для работы visually‑hidden требуется The prop visually‑hidden requires accessibility.css
label="Heading to identify the group"
Если же требуется расширенное описание для скринридеров, то можно использовать атрибут If you need an extended description for screen readers, you can use the attribute aria-describedby
BEM Permalink to "BEM"
Блок компонента radiogroup
, модификаторы (создаются автоматически на основе пропсов): Component block radiogroup
, modifiers (automatically created based on props):
CSS Permalink to "CSS"
Слой компонента @layer proxima.radiogroup
, также вы можете гибко cтилизовать компонент через кастомные свойства: Component layer @layer proxima.radiogroup
, also you can style the component flexibly through custom properties:
--radiogroup-checkbox-label-color: inherit;
--radiogroup-item-flex: 0 0 100%;
/* Header */
--radiogroup-header-display: block;
--radiogroup-header-padding-x: 0;
/* Label */
--radiogroup-label-color: var(--app-label-color);
--radiogroup-label-cursor: pointer;
--radiogroup-label-line-height: 1.2;
--radiogroup-label-letter-spacing: normal;
--radiogroup-label-aside-width-multiplier: 10;
--radiogroup-label-aside-width: calc(
var(--radiogroup-label-font-size) *
--radiogroup-gap-xxs: 0.75rem;
--radiogroup-label-font-size-xxs: 0.75rem;
--radiogroup-gap-xs: 0.875rem;
--radiogroup-label-font-size-xs: 0.75rem;
--radiogroup-gap-s: 0.875rem;
--radiogroup-label-font-size-s: 0.875rem;
/* Normal */
--radiogroup-gap: 0.875rem;
--radiogroup-label-font-size: 0.875rem;
--radiogroup-gap-m: 1rem;
--radiogroup-label-font-size-m: 1rem;
--radiogroup-gap-l: 1.125rem;
--radiogroup-label-font-size-l: 1rem;
--radiogroup-gap-xl: 1.25rem;
--radiogroup-label-font-size-xl: 1.125rem;
--radiogroup-gap-xxl: 1.375rem;
--radiogroup-label-font-size-xxl: 1.25rem;
Flags (0 or 1, based on props)
--radiogroup-is-label-above: 0;
--radiogroup-is-label-aside: 0;
Props Permalink to "Props"
interface ProximaRadioGroupProps {
id?: string
modelValue?: any
options?: ProximaRadioOption[] | string[] | number[]
label?: string
labelPosition?: 'above' | 'aside'
labelVisuallyHidden?: boolean
disabled?: boolean
required?: boolean
indeterminate?: boolean
view?: 'plain' | 'outline' | 'line'
size?: ProximaSize
shadow?: ProximaShadow
effect?: ProximaClickEffect
theme?: string
Events Permalink to "Events"
const onRadioGroupUpdate = (modelValue) => {};
const onRadioGroupFocus = (event) => {};
const onRadioGroupBlur = (event) => {};
type Emits = {
'update:modelValue': (modelValue: any) => void
'focus': (event: FocusEvent) => void
'blur': (event: FocusEvent) => void
Slots Permalink to "Slots"
<template #group-prepend="slotProps">
you code (prepend to inner)
<template #group-label="slotProps">
you code (replaced label)
<template #group-header="slotProps">
you code (append to header)
<template #group-content="slotProps">
you code (append to content)
<template #group-append="slotProps">
you code (append to inner)
<!-- Option slots -->
<template #prepend="{ option, optionProps, ...slotProps }">
you code (prepend to checkbox content)
<template #icon="{ option, optionProps, ...slotProps }">
you code (replaced checkbox icon)
<template #label="{ option, optionProps, ...slotProps }">
you code (replaced checkbox label)
type SlotProps = {
id: string
hasLabel: boolean
hasHeader: boolean
isValid: boolean
isFocused: boolean
isMultiple: boolean
isDisabled: boolean
firstCheckedIndex: number
firstEnabledIndex: number
options: ProximaRadioOption[]
errorMessage: string
value: any
focus: () => void
blur: () => void
Expose Permalink to "Expose"
<ProximaRadioGroup ref="radioGroup" />
import { ref, unref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import ProximaRadioGroup from 'proxima-vue/checkbox/radiogroup';
const radioGroup = ref({} as InstanceType<typeof ProximaRadioGroup>);
onMounted(() => {
unref(radioGroup).checkFocus(); // false
unref(radioGroup).checkFocus(); // true
type ProximaRadioGroupInstance = {
getErrorMessage: () => string
getContainer: () => HTMLFieldSetElement | null
getValue: () => any
getId: () => string
getFirstCheckedElement: () => HTMLInputElement | null
getFirstEnabledElement: () => HTMLInputElement | null
checkValidity: () => boolean
checkFocus: () => boolean
focus: () => void
blur: () => void